Partner, UK Insurance Leader and Global IFRS 17 Lead, PwC United Kingdom
Alex is the lead partner for a number of significant financial services clients, providing both consulting and attest services. This includes audits of listed companies, controls reports and internal audit, dealing with business issues at the highest level of financial services organisations and addressing regulatory issues, including CASS, while providing valuable advice on how to deal with these issues for his clients.
Alex's experience has developed through a wide range of clients and projects, including transactions, consulting and regulatory driven projects in locations such as the UK, CEE, US, Saudi Arabia and Brunei together with his attest work for clients from the insurance, investment management and pensions sectors.
Within PwC, Alex is leading PwCs global services in relation to IFRS17, the new standard for insurance companies and also leads the PwC Global Asset Management practice’s global response to EU Audit Reform. Until 2015, Alex was a Trustee of the PwC Pension Scheme.
For five years until Summer 2008, Alex was based in Moscow, Russia as the lead partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Insurance and Investment Management practice in Russia and CIS, and from 2009 to 2012 he chaired the City UK Russia Committee.
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