Cyber Security Partner, PwC United Kingdom
Andrew has over 13 years of experience in managing and implementing security across a range of industry sectors. He heads up our government and public sector cyber security business. As part of this role, Andrew leads our annual UK cyber security research in conjunction with the Department for Business Innovation & Skills, the Information Security Breaches Survey (ISBS).
Andrew has a diverse set of skills in security, ranging from the rigours of large scale business transformation programmes and operational security to public policy construction through research, soundings and lobbying. Equipped to leading strategic, organisational, and governance information security projects, Andrew has led security review and change programmes for several major government departments. He has held leadership roles such as the delivery director for a £20m organisational and technology change programme, and security transformation leader for a £350m turnover IT services business.
Andrew is CISSP qualified and is a member of the IISP. Andrew was also a CLAS consultant and a CHECK team member.
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