Financial Services Deals Partner, PwC United Kingdom
As a financial services deals partner, I help our clients take a different perspective on their deal analysis, using technology to drive deeper insight and unearth finer points that then help them in a deal negotiation.
Changes in the way the authorities deal with failing banks has meant that I can apply what I've learnt advising on FS deals when advising on bank restructuring exercises. Some of my largest projects have been for global regulatory authorities or government bodies looking for advice that will prevent disruption and minimise the cost to the taxpayer of a bank failure.
More broadly, my expertise ranges from advising on the commercial pricing of businesses and assets to performing valuations that meeting accounting requirements. Over the past 19 years I’ve provided valuation advice to financial services companies across banking, asset management and the alternative investment sectors such as private equity, real estate and infrastructure.
I've always taken a keen interest in technology and we are increasingly finding it to be a critical tool in solving important problems for our clients.
I have recently been appointed as the Chief Technology Officer for our UK Deals practice and I am delighted to be driving our business forward in a way that will harness recent developments in generative AI, bring our digital assets to market and unlock the power of our data.
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