Ayesha Salahuddin

Ayesha Salahuddin

Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Ayesha Salahuddin is a qualified solicitor with 2.5 years’ experience of advising on employment matters and litigating employment disputes. She has advised a wide variety of clients including multinational corporate clients, household name retail clients and leisure and hospitality clients.

Skills and experience:

  • HR and legal advice: Ayesha has advised on day to day employment law issues such as changing terms and conditions, TUPE, handling discipline and grievance and terminations of employment.
  • Drafting contracts, policies and handbooks: Ayesha has advised on, drafted and updated documentation relating to the employment relationship to ensure compliance with legislation and best practice including contracts and employee handbooks.
  • National Minimum Wage: Ayesha advises on NMW compliance and has advised on the process of self-review to identify the NMW risks in a business, corresponding with HMRC throughout the process and preparing legal submissions to contest HMRC's findings. She advises a range of clients including in the retail sector and leisure and hospitality sector.
  • Corporate advisory: Ayesha has a experience in advising large companies on the employment law aspects of corporate restructures and business transfers. She has most recently advised on the employment aspects of the divestiture of a global pharmaceutical company. Ayesha project managed the employment aspects and provided strategic legal advice in respect of the employee transfers in 25 countries.
  • Pay equality: Ayesha has advised clients in a range of sectors on equal pay and gender pay. Ayesha’s recent experience includes advising a global automobile manufacturer in respect of pay equality and gender diversity in the workplace.
  • Dispute resolution: Ayesha has been part of the advising team on behalf of the respondent in a high value age and race discrimination claim. She gained experience in preparing disclosure and hearing bundles, preparing witness statements and attending the Employment Tribunal.
  • Training: Ayesha has delivered training to HR and senior executives in respect of bullying and harassment and key NMW legislation and regulations.


  • Employment
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