Claudia van den Heuvel

Claudia van den Heuvel

Crisis Management Specialist, PwC United Kingdom

Claudia is a manager in our Crisis and Continuity Management team, with a focus on strategic Crisis Leadership

She is also a member of the firm’s Global Crisis Centre, a centre of excellence that supports clients in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from crises. 

Claudia has had extensive experience in the development of plans, procedures and playbooks that enable effective leadership and decision making in crisis response and the implementation of business continuity management systems and programmes.  

Based on her knowledge of decision making under pressure and human factors in crisis, Claudia focusses on the design and delivery of highly realistic and immersive crisis simulation exercises 

Claudia  holds an MSc in Forensic & Investigative Psychology and a PhD in Critical Incident  Decision Making from the University of Liverpool. 

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