Partner, Head of Restructuring, PwC United Kingdom
Ed is a partner in our restructuring practice with over 25 years’ experience carrying out strategic and financial business reviews, undertaking multi-stakeholder restructurings, providing other advisory services and taking insolvency appointments.
He has been involved in a wide range of crisis situations across various industries and international business settings. He has worked on assignments with substantial operations in UK, parts of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, North America and Africa.
Ed formerly led PwC's Restructuring and Insolvency practice in Central & Eastern Europe and CIS region, and is currently PwC’s UK Leader for Restructuring, Refinancing & Insolvency.
He is currently appointed as the insolvency practitioner of Lehman Brothers (global investment bank), Travelex (regulated foreign exchange business) and O.W.Bunker (formerly the world's largest marine fuel supplier). He has significant experience in supporting management teams with their English Scheme of Arrangements including HEMA (Dutch retailer), Obrascón Huarte Lain (Spanish construction group) and Global Ports Holding (cruise port operator). He has also supported a UK mid-sized bank in dealing with its significant capital shortfall; set up the Russian bad bank involving the consolidation of four banks; prepared resolution plans for two Caribbean banks with significant NPL portfolios; and worked for the National Bank of Moldova in assessing related party loans and transactions across three banks.
He has also advised the lenders to a global steel group; assisted the management team of a UK listed retailer; provided restructuring advice to the lending syndicate of a large European agribusiness and has advised the owners of a Maltese regulated payment services business.
He is a chartered accountant (ICAEW) and licensed insolvency practitioner, and presents at Insol’s annual Global Insolvency Practical Course.
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