Associate Director - PwC Raise | Ventures, PwC United Kingdom
Ed is a Chartered Accountant and brings a wide ranging set of professional experiences and skills to the Raise team.
Following the completion of his ACA in 2015, Ed moved into the recovery and restructuring team within Deals. Here, he focused on operational efficiency, cost reduction and financial turnaround projects across multiple industries and sectors, including in logistics, enterprise software and healthcare.
During this time, Ed mentored several seed-stage companies in his spare time, which sparked a passion for working with start-ups and in early-stage investing. Ed then joined the Raise team in early 2020 in order for him to pursue his passion professionally.
As a welshman born-and-bred, Ed has a deep love of rugby, and continues to play at the weekends. He also enjoys golfing and skiing when he can, along with cooking and embracing his obsession with history.
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