Asset and Wealth Management Leader, PwC United Kingdom
Elizabeth is a Tax Partner in Financial Services focussing on the Asset & Wealth Management sector and is the UK Asset and Wealth Management Leader. Elizabeth has 25 years of tax experience both in the UK and Australia.
Elizabeth advises a range of global asset and wealth management clients on corporate, product and investor tax issues. Elizabeth’s product tax experience includes advising on the distribution of funds into the UK, the structuring of fund products, the taxation of underlying fund portfolios, product tax risk management and associated regulation such as MIFID II.
Elizabeth also assists asset managers with their corporate tax affairs including advising on transfer pricing, UK & international corporate structures, BEPS, permanent establishment risks and tax compliance.
Elizabeth has written articles and publications including being a contributing author to Tolley’s Taxation of Collective Investment 2016 and is a regular speaker at PwC and industry conferences.
Elizabeth has a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws from Monash University Australia, is a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Courts of NSW and Victoria and is a Chartered Accountant Fellow of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
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