Giorgia Maffini

Giorgia Maffini

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Giorgia is a Special Advisor on Tax Policy and Transfer Pricing at PwC.

Before joining PwC, she was the Deputy Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division at the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration (2016-2018) where she led the 2018 negotiation and report on the taxation of the digital economy.

Before joining the OECD, Giorgia was a senior economist at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation (2006-2016).

Among others, Giorgia has published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, the Journal of Banking and Finance, the Oxford Review of Economic Policy, the Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, the European Economic Review and the British Tax Review.

She holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Warwick (UK) and remains an International Research Fellow at the Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation.

Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)7483 378124


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