Director, PwC United Kingdom
Graham is a Director in PwC's Tax Reporting and Strategy team which helps businesses deliver tax - digitally, strategically & operationally; helping those responsible for taxes answer the question "surely there must be a better way?"
Based in London, Graham has over 20 years of experience in working with UK and foreign parented groups on the domestic and international tax issues affecting their UK and non-UK operations. He has experience of working with groups across many sectors including Technology, Energy, Consumer Products and Financial Services.
As part of his TRS role, Graham works with organisations on delivering sustainable change including maximising the leverage of tax functionality within ERP systems. In addition, he has expertise in US GAAP & IFRS tax accounting and reporting including GAAP conversions, tax accounting remediation, and financial reporting process review.
His professional qualifications include membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants England & Wales and the Chartered Institute of Tax.
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