Partner, Value Creation and Technology in Deals, PwC United Kingdom
Grainne leads PwC's Technology in Deals team. She helps our private equity clients, their portfolio companies and deal clients technology leaders to identify and deliver the change or improvements needed during a transaction process: especially those arising from carve-outs, integrations or where the technology capabilities of an acquired business does not meet the needs of its new owners.
She uses technology, digital and cyber due diligence (a key risk and value hot-spot for investors) as the starting point for broader client engagement on technology and operational efficiency, transformation and value creation.
As a Deal Value Architect working across all industry sectors, Grainne applies the same skills and hardwired value creation mind-set whether working on the buy-side or sell-side of a transaction. She advises clients who want to realise value through technology, digital and data at every stage of their M&A lifecycle, based on experience, data and insights from deals worked on while at PwC and as a CIO in industry. She is passionate about the combination of the latest digital technologies, together with a relentless focus on value opportunities at every stage of the deal lifecycle.
Prior to joining PwC, Grainne held executive positions in industry both with an Energy Trading software platform start-up and as a CIO in a Global Media and Entertainment Company.
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