Director, Deals Tax, PwC United Kingdom
Ivan is a Director in the Deals Tax team, specialising in transfer pricing and global operating model advisory. His focus is on transformative M&A transactions (carve-outs, bolt-ons, mergers, etc.) and working with fast-growing international businesses.
He supports private equity and corporate investors in identifying and realising tax value creation opportunities in deals – from early stage due diligence through post-deal integration and restructuring. This includes preparation of target operating model blueprints, cost-benefit analyses, tax modelling, as well as holistic tax and transfer pricing model design from feasibility to implementation and documentation. Working with businesses that often go through M&A transactions, he focuses on developing practical and robust solutions that can withstand the scrutiny of diligence and give businesses flexibility for future growth.
When he is not debating the arm’s length principle and digital economy with colleagues and clients, he enjoys skiing with his family and friends and painting (preferably not at the same time!).
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