Director, NewLaw, PwC United Kingdom
Head of General Commercial Contracts Capability
Jennifer leads the General Commercial Contracts capability within the Legal Business Solutions NewLaw practice, bringing 15+ years’ qualified solicitor experience of advising on business processes and a broad range of ICT, outsourcing and commercial contracts.
Jennifer has extensive experience running Contract Optimisation, Managed Legal Services and Contract Review and Remediation projects, and providing a wide range of commercial and strategic advice to an array of public and private sector clients across a number of sectors, including FS, Manufacturing, Retail, Services and Transport.
I am passionate about helping clients to transform and optimise their contracting processes, structures and lifecycle, and to manage regulatory change. I am privileged to have already worked with numerous clients across a variety of sectors to achieve this and I am excited at the prospect of helping more clients.
Optimisation and legal transformation enables businesses to maximise their ability to manage contracts and generate revenue, improve data insights and use of legal resources, and minimise their legal spend. We can provide the advice, insights and tools you need to plan and progress your legal optimisation and transformation journey.
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