Jeremy Webb

Jeremy Webb

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Jeremy is a partner in our London restructuring practice, having focused on large, complex and cross-border restructuring work for over 20 years.

He has previously worked in New York and has experience of restructuring across Europe, North America and Africa. Jeremy has experience of a wide range of industries, but he has worked extensively in energy, metals and mining, automotive and heavy industry. He has worked both for management teams and for their financial stakeholders, such as banks, bondholders and alternative lenders.

Jeremy is also a chartered accountant and a licenced insolvency practitioner, where he takes insolvency appointments to deliver rescues and restructurings.

Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)7740 639976



  • <a href="/content/pwc/uk/en/services/business-restructuring/leading-the-restructuring.html"><u>Restructuring</u></a>
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