Jonathon Land

Jonathon Land

Deals Chief Operating Officer & Pensions Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Jonathon is the Chief Operating Officer in our Deals business and head of PwC’s Pensions Employer Covenant & Restructuring practice, which specialises in giving financial advice to both pension scheme trustees and sponsoring employers. He was the first secondee to the Pensions Regulator in 2004 and co-wrote the original clearance guidelines.

He has experience across the spectrum of pension related work, with particular emphasis on:

  • Continually innovating to ensure the most appropriate, tailored approach is used for each individual client;
  • Guiding companies and trustees through understanding the impact the employer covenant has on scheme funding negotiations and how it is affected in the event of a corporate transaction; and
  • Restructuring pension obligations and putting in place longer term monitoring of the employer covenant.

His in-depth understanding of the Regulator's powers has proved very helpful in helping his clients achieve the best possible outcome, whatever issue they face.


  • <a href="/content/pwc/uk/en/pensions/pensions-employer-covenant-restructuring.html"><u>Pensions Employer Covenant and Restructuring</u></a>
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