Justin Martin

Justin Martin

UK Internal Audit Leader, Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Having joined the firm as a graduate in 1997, Justin has been with PwC for over 25 years and is an expert Internal Audit practitioner. A passionate advocate for the power of quality internal audit, Justin has been at the forefront of the development of some of the firms most innovative internal audit methodologies, such as continuous audit and adaptive assurance mapping. An advocate for a data driven service that harnesses technology in extending the range of assurance and insight over control environments, Justin leads a team of over 250 expert internal audit professionals with clients across the public, FTSE, Private Business and Financial Services sectors.

"A strategically focussed Internal Audit function, powered by technology and delivered with expertise and experience is at the heart of good governance within an organisation. At PwC we strive to constantly innovate and develop our services, drawing on digital, data and personal skills to add value through all stages of the internal audit process; providing assurance, helping clients to manage their risks and ensuring business operations are as efficient as possible."

Justin has worked directly with clients across the private, not for profit and public sectors in his career at PwC and is a deep industry expert in Devolved and Local Government within the UK. Having been on secondment to some of the UK's highest profile Councils, Justin has spent the last 25 years delivering assurance and helping Local Government organisations to solve difficult problems, often working alongside Consulting and other PwC subject matter experts to add value.

Current business as usual pressures coupled with the imperatives of Levelling-Up and moving to a hybrid way of working create a set of unique opportunities for Devolved Government. Many of the projects Justin has been involved in over the recent past have been focussed on exploiting the opportunities that come from managing change by harnessing technology and aligning it with the enormous practical expertise available within PwC. From January 2022 Justin became PwC's Devolved and Local Government Sector Leader across the UK.

“I am principally focussed on the understanding and management of risk for our Local Government clients and whether we like it or not, the world is getting riskier. Local Government has a unique role to play in supporting communities, supporting business and managing the local environment and I am delighted to bring the full capability of PwC to this sector in delivering this role. We are really here to help the Local Government sector solve their important problems, improve efficiency and enhance trust in their systems and operations”.

Area of interest

  • Local Government and Housing
  • Internal Control
  • Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Assurance
  • Levelling Up
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