Deals Chief People Officer and Valuations Partner, PwC United Kingdom
Kellie is an experienced partner in the Valuations practice of PwC in the UK, and specialises in providing valuation advice and opinions in the contexts of disputes over the value of businesses, assets or shares, often culminating in litigation. Kellie is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.
Kellie has been valuing businesses for over 20 years, across all industry sectors. Her valuation experience is broad - she performs valuations for commercial advisory, financial reporting, taxation, financial and corporate restructurings, disputes (corporate and family proceedings) and expert determinations across a range of industry sectors - and a significant amount of her time involves working with legal teams and clients where expert evidence on valuation is needed.
Kellie enjoys working collaboratively with clients and their advisors, reflecting industry sector insights in her valuations and bringing the wider skills and experience of PwC to solve client issues.
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