Partner, Third Party Assurance, PwC United Kingdom
I am an audit partner in PwC's Asset and Wealth Management team. I focus on the delivery of non-audit assurance and advisory services over a range of subject areas including investment management operations, investment servicing, CASS and investment performance, as well as leading the financial audit of a number of our listed audit clients.
Over my career to date with PwC I have had the fortune to experience working across the whole asset management value chain having worked with asset managers, investment funds, insurance companies, platform providers and outsourced administrators. I spent the formative years of my career based in our Edinburgh office specialising in financial audit based, eventually leading PwC Scotland’s asset management and funds team. In 2013 I moved to London to lead our Stakeholder Assurance practice, focused on non-audit assurance. More recently I have overseen the integration of that team into our AWM national audit practice, designed to ensure we are fully equipped to respond to the broader audit and assurance needs of our clients that the evolution of audit requires.
I have a passion for problem solving and providing practical solutions to clients and have been able to indulge this passion delivering on a wide range of different types of work, with clients ranging from start-up technology providers to some of the largest listed businesses in this sector.
My specialist experience includes the following;
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