Director Restructuring Advisory, PwC United Kingdom
Nigel is a director in the UK business recovery practice and specialises in liability restructuring.
He has over 30 years’ experience in insolvency and restructuring and specialises in financial services, most notably insurance, where PwC in the UK is market leader. He has acted as provisional liquidator, administrator or liquidator of numerous companies including many with an international dimension.
Nigel is currently the administrator of the Phone 4 U mobile phone insurance business which continues to trade profitably in administration with an Isle of Man captive.
Nigel has advised in relation to numerous insurance restructuring cases, both life and non-life, frequently involving novel use of Companies Act Scheme of Arrangement procedures to curtail long tail run-off exposures.
Nigel has also advised in relation to broader financial services restructurings and insolvencies including Lehman Brothers. He was Special Administrator of the UK authorised stockbroker Beaufort Securities which had assets of £500m and 20,000 clients and implemented the fastest ever distribution plan under the legislation.
Nigel is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales and a licensed insolvency practitioner.
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