UK Procurement Practice Leader, PwC United Kingdom
Patrick is a Partner in the Business Restructuring team, and leads the UK firm's Procurement Practice. Patrick’s main role is providing support to clients across all sectors to manage the cost, risk and impact of their supply chain.
Supplier spend often already equates to more than 50% of the cost base, and 70% of the emissions of an organization. However, recent market events have caused inflation and disruption which have further heightened the focus on this area.
Patrick has helped organizations to better understand and manage their global supply chains through the use of advanced analytics, benchmarking tools, the deployment of Source to Pay technology and through creating new category and sourcing strategies for both direct and indirect costs.
Patrick graduated from Loughborough University in Mechanical Engineering, and is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply. He has been a Chief Procurement officer for several global organizations before joining PwC in 2019.
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