CIO, PwC United Kingdom
Peggy is PwC UK's CIO and leader of the UK firm's solution delivery and digital asset development capability, known as Tech Connect. At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. To do this successfully into the future we are focused on combining human ingenuity and understanding with the right technology for real results. Tech Connect is developing exciting careers for technologists, a diverse powerhouse of talent, who want to make change happen.
As a partner in the firm Peggy has a number of years of experience in leading large scale technology transformation and change programmes within PwC, both in the UK and across the PwC Global Network. Including 3 years as the CTO for the UK Risk line of service, responsible for the continuous transformation of how PwC delivers its services.
As a Woman in Tech leadership Peggy also sponsors the Inclusion and Diversity agenda for the UK’s Tech Central function.
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