Ray Farnan

Ray Farnan

Head of Tax Disputes & Governance, PwC United Kingdom

My passion is my family and working with diverse, fun and dynamic people, which I have the privilege of doing in my role leading multinational client accounts and advising how to better govern tax or deliver accurate tax accounting results.

I bring a huge amount of energy into my work, and I wouldn't be able to without drawing on the support of my family, close friends and the team around me. I've built a deep network of trust within PwC and in wider business that I never take for granted. They give me confidence and create the fun in my day that I couldn't be without.

In three words people who know me best would describe me as driven, caring and fun which I try to bring into everything I do; I want PwC and businesses I work with to be market-leading, I care that people around me are happy and thriving and I always try to face the most difficult problems with a grin.

Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)7808 105769


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