Rob Hebenton

Rob Hebenton

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Rob leads the Pensions Credit Advisory team across the Midlands, supporting trustees and employers from family owned local businesses through to global and listed groups, as well as local government and not for profit organisations.

He has extensive experience advising trustees and corporates on: employer covenant, scheme funding negotiations, transactions, FAAs and restructurings. Numerous of these situations have had Pensions Regulator involvement.

Rob’s core strengths are:

  • helping simplify complexity and focus on the key matters at hand;
  • developing innovative solutions for clients individual needs; and
  • working collaboratively with clients and broader stakeholders, bringing specialist insight and ideas

He has played leading roles in various high profile pension restructuring cases, with public situations including UK Coal, Tata Steel, Johnston Press and Carillion.

Contact details

Tel: +44 (0)7801 540506



  • <a href="/content/pwc/uk/en/pensions/pensions-employer-covenant-restructuring.html"><u>Pensions Employer Covenant and Restructuring</u></a>
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