Sarah Strang

Sarah Strang

Director, Debt & Capital Advisory, PwC United Kingdom

Sarah is a director in PwC’s Debt & Capital Advisory business and has over 14 years' deal experience at PwC.

She supports client to secure the financing they need to deliver on their wider business objectives, including:

  • acquisitions, for both private-equity and private-business clients
  • debt-funded transactions that realise value for shareholders
  • growth initiatives, for example funding for store roll-outs and general capex programs
  • lender education processes to support the sale of a business
  • refinancing of upcoming maturities

Sarah's core strategic focus is sustainable finance and she leads on the PwC Debt & Capital Advisory team's approach to ESG-related financing.


  • <a href="/content/pwc/uk/en/services/business-restructuring/debt-and-capital-advisory.html"><u>Debt & Capital Advisory</u></a>
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