Sharon Fernando

Sharon Fernando

Senior Manager, PwC United Kingdom

Sharon-Marie is a 10 year UK qualified financial services lawyer who advises a range of firms on UK regulatory rules and interpretation.

Sharon-Marie is a specialist legal adviser on UK regulatory permissions and routinely advises a range of firms on regulatory authorisation matters; financial promotions; cross-border arrangements; governance and MiFID II requirements. She is an expert adviser on FCA and PRA systems and controls requirements, particularly outsourcing arrangements.

Sharon-Marie has assisted a number of EU and non-EU firms with understanding the regulatory and legal implications of setting up entities and/or commercial arrangements in the UK. She helped these firms to understand their UK regulatory obligations and how to meet them. This support included regulatory due diligence assessments, regulatory implementation reviews, and redrafting/reviewing complex contractual and client documents (such as terms and conditions) to reflect UK regulatory requirements and expectations.


  • Financial Services
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