Stephen Soper

Stephen Soper

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Stephen is PwC’s Senior Pensions Adviser. Having held the positions of CEO of the Pensions Regulator from 2013 to 2015 and Executive Director of Defined Benefit since early 2009, through periods of unprecedented market challenges and legislative change, he brings with him a wealth of knowledge and experience.

His experience encompasses many groundbreaking restructuring transactions, complex funding negotiations, insight of anti avoidance powers and wider policy development including defined contribution and auto enrolment:

  • A track record of challenging the status quo to find a solution that satisfies the needs of all stakeholders;
  • Enabled trustees and corporates to achieve outcomes that required the careful application and orchestration of many specialist skill sets and stakeholders; and
  • An ability to assess the complex risks that schemes pose in the context of the  sponsoring employer and develop appropriate mitigations that keep strategies on target. His knowledge of the Regulator, the PPF and the DWP allied to his strong commercial background and market knowledge help provide clients with achievable and lasting solutions.


  • <a href="/content/pwc/uk/en/pensions/pensions-employer-covenant-restructuring.html"><u>Pensions Employer Covenant and Restructuring</u></a>
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