Store Openings and Closures H1 2024
Net store closures have now been running at a near-stable level for three years. Have we reached a more predictable environment for retail and leisure operators?
To stay resilient, relevant and maintain a competitive advantage, banks and capital markets need to seize the opportunity to transform their operating and business models whilst enhancing customer experiences.
A need for greater collaboration and integration within the financial services ecosystem must be balanced with a continued focus on the risk and regulatory agenda. The strategic priority is to continue building trust with customers and society, while creating a sustainable digital banking model and environment that provides a competitive edge.
In the post-Brexit, post-pandemic environment, we believe banks and capital markets organisations have an opportunity to reinvent themselves and emerge stronger – rethinking ways of working, transforming capabilities and putting ESG at the heart of everything they do.
Together, we can create sustainable change in banking and capital markets.
Net store closures have now been running at a near-stable level for three years. Have we reached a more predictable environment for retail and leisure operators?
How to build the right payments strategy for your retail business
Explore the insights from our research and economic analysis.
Understanding business leaders’ priorities for a renewed industrial strategy, and undertaking new economic analysis to assess the potential impact of improving the UK’s performance in key areas.
PwC Strategic workforce planning | UK Employers must drive productivity and critical transformation while protecting against employee change fatigue and burnout
We can help you ‘accelerate your outcomes,’ working by your side to provide end-to-end managed services that deliver sustained outcomes. Or we can ‘accelerate your capabilities,’ building you a team of PwC delivery specialists to work directly for you and build your strength for the long-term.
Headline results show an acceleration in store closures as more chain stores exit the high street, but is this likely to repeat in 2024?
Explore the impact of compliance audits for the financial services sector and how they can boost transparency, trust, and sustainability in a dynamic regulatory landscape.
Embracing tech is making SMEs lives easier, but how have customer preferences evolved and what further innovations should businesses be looking towards? Here, we discuss fintech and the rise of app-enabled commerce with Starling Bank's Engine.
Innovative new businesses with ambitions to scale too often hit a glass ceiling when it comes to building industrial strength. Here, we explore the skills, talent and tech needed for businesses to secure their next step with Cardiff Capital Region.
Building financial resilience among consumers and businesses is a pressing priority in the current economic climate. Here, we explore how data and technology can be used to design helpful products and services with Fair4all Finance.
Financial services have a core role in society, providing essential services from bank accounts to pensions, but many people feel excluded. Here, we discuss the growth of inclusive capitalism and the need for firms to walk the talk with Abrdn.