
Helping to make the UK safer and more secure

Delivering an effective threat response in a constrained public spending environment

Geopolitical tensions. The rise of non-state actors. Cyberattacks. The range of threats that defence and security organisations must prepare for are proliferating and coming from new directions. Next generation technologies can extend capabilities but the pressure on public finances means investment can’t be open-ended. Value for money is vital for all expenditure.

We help defence and security organisations in both the public and private sectors solve problems and deliver effective answers to the challenges they face. Whatever your needs, we have the right people to help you deliver changes and at pace. We are helping defence and security businesses to overcome and embed the challenges of ESG, benefit and invest in new technologies and continue along the path of innovation in a sustainable and cyber-secure way.


Contact us

Ian Hillier

Ian Hillier

Defence, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7595 849741

Rachel Taylor

Rachel Taylor

Leader of Industry for Government and Health Industries, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 783022

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