Operational resilience: defining your business services

As firms develop their approaches to the new draft operational resilience regime (following the UK regulators’ consultation papers issued in December 2019), there is an understandable focus on defining business services. Determining which are your important business services is the critical first step in applying the draft policy requirements. It sets the scope for the rest of the work as it is these services which need to be mapped, need to have impact tolerances set for, and will be subject to scenario testing.

In the reports below, we take a detailed look at the practical steps firms need to take to define their business services, and to overcome common challenges.

For more background on the proposed regulatory approach to operational resilience you can read a summary in this PwC hot topic.

Contact us

Stella Nunn

Stella Nunn

Director, Crisis and Resilience, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7932 144627

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