- Rt Hon Alan Milburn, Chair of the Social Mobility Foundation and former Cabinet Minister
- Sir Michael Barber, Chair at the Office for Students
Social mobility is high on the agenda of many universities. In the last decade, universities have made a step change in improving access to higher education despite increases to tuition fees. With the introduction and scrutiny of Access and Participation plans, universities have a greater focus on improving access to existing models of provision for young people. However, as recognised by the Office for Students, this won’t meet the needs of all students, business or public services in future years.
To create a fairer society and for individuals to unlock their potential, universities must focus not only on access, but on delivering a successful experience to students during their studies.
What further changes are needed to create fair and equal access for other student cohorts? How should governors engage with stakeholders to understand the needs of their region? And what part should governors play in challenging progress?
We are delighted to be joined by the Rt Hon Alan Milburn, Chair of the Social Mobility Foundation, former Cabinet Minister and former Chair of the Social Mobility Commision and Sir Michael Barber, Chair at the Office for Students.