Student accommodation: Availability and rental growth trends

Student apartment building

Using the latest data from StudentCrowd, a student review and Higher Education sector insight tool platform, this report explores the current trends in the booking cycle and rent increases for privately-owned Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) at both a UK level and across a number of university cities.

Our first report (July 2023) covers the following:

  • An overview of the PBSA market in the UK
  • The drivers impacting demand and supply for PBSA
  • Booking behaviour and availability for the 2023/24 academic year (AY)
  • Rental increases between January 2022 and July 2023
  • The impact of availability and rent increases on both students and universities
  • Opportunities to address the prevailing market challenges

"Accommodation is a crucial part of the university experience for many students, and universities recognise the potential effect that housing can have on their education and wellbeing. It is crucial that sector bodies work together on this. This data, from PwC and StudentCrowd, will provide helpful tools and evidence for the sector to work together to address problem areas in accommodation, and will further provide focus and clarity on this issue for universities, local governments, and anyone else involved in the housing of student populations."

Universities UK

While demand outstripping supply creates an investment opportunity, particularly for private capital, it also represents a challenge for both universities and students. If left unresolved, it is likely to adversely impact affordability of accommodation, the student experience, university reputation and, ultimately, future recruitment of students. With students facing rising costs of living, without a corresponding increase in maintenance loan levels, the cost of accommodation will, for some, become a prohibitive factor in higher education (HE) participation, impacting those from under-represented groups the most.

In July of this year (see report in the banner above) we took stock of price and availability across our UK Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) industry, reflecting on an academic cycle (22/23) that was proving both challenging and strong simultaneously. In this addendum paper (see report in banner below as at December 2023) we update that view, looking at how those patterns changed into the final few weeks of the cycle (August/September 2023) and what that might mean for rent setting this academic year and on into this year’s cycle.

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