Transport and logistics

Helping you create the advanced transportation and logistics systems of the future

Fast-moving change in a fast-moving world

Whether it is passengers or freight, changes are coming from all directions in the world of transportation and logistics. Digitalisation, new players, new business models, the hydrogen economy, technological innovation and rapid advances in automation are among the developments shaping company strategies and revolutionising customer expectations. The COVID-19 pandemic has also put a sharp focus on how global risks, including climate change, can impact the sector.

We help transportation and logistics organisations understand current and future trends, mapping the implications for strategic and operational decisions so they can take the right action to transform today and thrive tomorrow. We are on hand with solutions and knowledge to give you a leading edge in an industry shaped by high competition and a drive for efficiency.

Contact us

Claire Fox

Claire Fox

Partner, UK Transport and Logistics Lead, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7525 282685

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