Video transcript: Chris Temple - Net Zero Transformation

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Chris Temple:
Our clients repeatedly tell us that tackling net zero transformation is a daunting challenge. That’s because decarbonising any organisation is a challenge. As such, many struggle to know what they need to do and crucially, where to begin.

That’s why we’ve created a five-step framework to establish a practical way forward, no matter what stage you are at. This flexible approach has already delivered powerful transformations for over 125 UK organisations in the last year, across both the public and private sector.

Making the most of the latest technology developments is key to delivering effective transformation, but they must be right for your business. Our tech alliances ensure that we can guide you to the best tools for your organisation’s needs.

With experts across all industries and sectors, we also have the regulatory insight to ensure compliance on every front, for lasting outcomes and effective value creation.

If you’re keen to know more, do take a look at our case studies and the different aspects to our framework. Better still, get in touch for an informal conversation to see how we can help move you from ambition to action.

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Christopher Temple

Christopher Temple

Partner, Net Zero Transformation Leader, PwC United Kingdom

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