Virtual reality is fundamentally changing training as we know it. Learners in VR are more confident than learners in traditional training methods.
It's like actually learning on the job but you just happen to be in your bedroom or in the office.
Business leaders are telling us that the demands for talent and the need to train an upskill their employees is higher now than ever. And the budgets are shrinking. We have conducted a study on virtual reality learning.
We found learners in VR required less time to learn, had higher emotional connection, felt more confident and were less distracted during the training. The ability to put someone in an immersive headset there's no multitasking they’re focused, the content cannot be richer. Virtual reality is faster, so you can save time and money for your employees.
You can train a tremendous amount of content in a much shorter time.
VR training isn’t just for hard skills. We can actually use it for soft skills. How to be a better leader, how to have more empathy how to be better with diversity and inclusion. You can learn all of these in virtual reality.
From computer based training to virtual reality... It's an exponential step that's so exciting!
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