Companies need to include liabilities for all their employee benefit plans in their annual financial statements, and often more frequently. For multinationals, this can be a big challenge, as it means data collection, liability calculation and decision-making for different types of plans and different jurisdictions.
Our Consolidate tool makes this process seamless, producing accurate figures whether you have one employee benefit plan or hundreds.
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The various stages of the process are set out below. By using Consolidate, you can take control of each stage of the process and monitor the progress made.
The process of collecting data for year-end reporting also presents companies with an opportunity. The data can be harnessed to provide insights into your global benefit obligations and costs, enabling you to identify where costs might be reduced and risks managed.
Globally, we have 3,350 specialists dedicated to retirement, pension and benefits in 54 countries, assisting over 1,000 companies with financial reporting and other benefit issues.
PwC […] is effective in blending people and technology into a strong advisory that streamlines client operations, improves transparency, creates an atmosphere for enhanced agility, and provides real-time metrics on performance that mitigates risk.
Paul Allen
Financial Reporting for Pensions Leader, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7803 859050