Video transcript: High Performing Trustee Boards series intro by Jonathon Land

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Hello, I'm Jonathon Land. I'm a pensions partner at PwC and I'm also COO of our Deals business. It's been a fascinating time for both pensions and deals over the last couple of years and I have been really taken by two key questions: What makes a high performing trustee board? And What's the right answer for UK pension provision?

Now over my career I've worked with a really wide variety of pension schemes, from the large multi-employer schemes like Railways and also the Universities pension scheme, through to big topical pension schemes like British Airways, BAE Systems, National Grid and then also at the more distressed end and through the financial crisis, Nortel and Lehman Brothers.

These different schemes have to deal with different challenges at different points in time and we've got some really experienced chairs who've worked with all of them. What I wanted to do was interview some of these key stakeholders, and really understand what their insights are on those two questions and then to share them with all of you. I hope you find the sessions interesting. Thank you.

Contact us

Jonathon Land

Jonathon Land

Deals Chief Operating Officer & Pensions Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7879 411796

Victoria Tillbrook

Victoria Tillbrook

Liability Restructuring Leader, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7812 063987

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