PensionsCast with PwC

PensionsCast is PwC’s podcast series covering topical pensions issues being faced by employers, pension trustees, and scheme members.

As companies decide what their workforce of the future will look like, and trustees are coming to terms with changing regulation and greater disclosure requirements, it can feel difficult to keep up-to-date on pensions developments. The long-term objectives of pension funds are changing as the market evolves to include a range of solutions.

Our podcast series will provide timely updates on pensions issues in a concise and clear way.

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Latest episode

Raj Mody, Lauren Brady, Sam Seadon

Episode 6: Liability-Driven Investing (LDI) in Pensions: what really happened and what happens next?

The Liability-Driven Investment (LDI) events of Autumn 2022 were unprecedented for the UK pensions industry. Assets widely regarded as being “risk free” saw their value fall by more than half in the space of a week.

Raj Mody is joined by Lauren Brady, Solution Designer in the Client Solutions Group at Insight Investment, and Sam Seadon, pensions investment advisory lead for PwC.

What differentiated schemes that were able to react quickly to the emerging events vs those that did not? And what could pension schemes do to protect against future challenges? Lauren, Sam and Raj share their views in this latest episode of PensionsCast.

For more information on any of the topics covered in this episode, please contact the team.

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Previous episodes

Raj Mody, Michael Clark, Steve Kirkpatrick and Matt Cooper

Episode 5: Private equity and their love/hate relationship with defined benefit pensions

Defined benefit pension schemes can be one of the largest and most volatile liabilities on a company’s balance sheet. Throw in the subjective nature of how you value it and it’s a bugbear when Private Equity are trying to buy or sell companies with DB schemes. The ever-growing volume of legislation doesn’t help.

At the same time, we are seeing private equity backed capital providers looking to actively enter the market for taking on pension schemes. What is causing this apparent contradiction?

PensionsCast host Raj Mody is joined by Michael Clark, Steve Kirkpatrick and Matt Cooper to discuss the growing range of “end game” solutions for DB pension schemes as well as the challenges in M&A situations.

For more information on any of the topics covered in this episode, please contact the team.

Listen on: AppleSpotify

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Raj Mody, Clive Mather, Liz Ramsaran Adam Briggs

Episode 4: ESG and Pensions: In conversation with PwC and Clive Mather

ESG is a complex issue and not one which can be reduced to simple metrics, as this episode explains. Raj Mody, Liz Ramsaran and Adam Briggs are delighted to be joined by guest speaker Clive Mather, chair of the Church of England's Pensions Board, for a fascinating conversation looking at the latest issues around ESG and Pensions.

This fourth episode of PensionsCast explores the difference between grey and green investments, current market developments including energy, trustees’ fiduciary duties, and the role of pension scheme members’ views.

For more information on any of the topics discussed in this episode please contact the speakers.

Listen on: AppleSpotify

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Raj Mody, Swapnil Katkar and Matt Cooper

Episode 3: What do we mean by journey planning for pension schemes?

Having an appropriate journey plan is already high on the agenda for trustees and sponsors. With the range of solutions to support journey plans growing rapidly, now is the time to consider if your plan needs reviewing. Raj Mody hosts a discussion with Swapnil Katkar and Matt Cooper, pension risk transfer specialists, on what a journey plan means and what to consider when developing one.

For more information, please contact the team.

Listen on: AppleSpotify

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Raj Mody, Keira-Marie Ramnath, Sam Seadon

Episode 2: How should pension schemes invest their assets?

New developments are changing how pension schemes should go about investing their assets. Raj Mody is joined by investment experts Keira-Marie Ramnath and Sam Seadon, to discuss new opportunities available for pension funds, for how their assets are managed and what type of assets to invest in.

For more information on any of the topics discussed in this episode please contact the speakers.

Listen on: AppleSpotify

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Raj Mody, Liz Ramsaran, Patrick Iddison

Episode 1: What should pension schemes be doing about ESG?

Raj Mody hosts a PensionsCast podcast with Liz Ramsaran and Patrick Iddison, pensions specialists, on what pension schemes have to do and could do in dealing with climate change and other ESG issues.

For more information on any of the topics discussed in this episode, please feel free to contact one of the speakers.

Listen on: AppleSpotify

View the transcript

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