Life as a pension scheme sponsor or trustees can be open to volatility driven by market movements, life expectancy changes and changing regulations. Pension liabilities can be a drag on the value and prospects of many businesses, particularly with increasing scrutiny from the Pensions Regulator, and Trustees will want to ensure full security for their pension scheme members’ pensions. But when is the right time to securely transfer risk out of your scheme and what’s the best way to do it?
We’ve worked with many schemes to identify the right way to proceed for their specific needs and circumstances – every case is different. With our expertise and experience, and underpinned by our award-winning technology, you can significantly reduce, and ultimately remove your pension risk.
Our latest insights for pension trustees and scheme sponsors.
Some trustees believe they must wait for their schemes to achieve full funding before a risk transfer project will be viable. Not necessarily: we’ll work with you during the journey, identifying opportunities created by changes in risk transaction pricing, and ensuring you can act quickly when the moment arises.
“The demand for insurance and consolidation solutions is growing, with each year seeing a new record level of transactions completed. In this demand-heavy environment a new approach is needed - it is the schemes that understand market dynamics, engage with market providers early, and who are best prepared for a transaction, who will be able to ensure the right transaction at the right time.”
Insurance and consolidation solutions are only one part of a potential end-game strategy. We help our clients consider a wide range of solutions including analysis of what type of transaction is appropriate at which time, and how to get there if you are not ready yet.
Scheme trustees and sponsors must be able to make these significant decisions on the basis of accurate information. Using our market-informed pricing approach PwC can provide detailed pricing estimates, helping you to identify opportunities and act on them. In today’s busy market this information is critical in timing the market approach to ensure deal certainty.
We can help you get “trade ready”, with your data and legal documents in a good state and with a clear idea of your objectives and price targets for a transaction. This will put you at the front of the queue when providers in an increasingly busy market are prioritising their deals and importantly avoid last-minute surprises on cost and timing of the final transaction.
The pension risk transfer market is still evolving, with new innovations generating potential cost savings for pension schemes. We have a strong track record of helping pension schemes to access new, cost-efficient solutions across buy-ins, buy-outs and longevity swaps.
View more on ASDA Group Pension Scheme
PwC have a team of dedicated and experienced pension risk transfer specialists having completed £20bn worth of transactions for over 50 clients. We work with our clients to build an agile journey plan that moves with the company and pension scheme. We create solutions including partial and full buy-outs, novation of existing longevity swaps, ‘PPF+’ buyout and member options.
We create innovative capital backed solutions to help our clients reach their end-goals and have regular discussions with the providers of third party capital to best tailor bespoke solutions in this field for competitive commercial terms.
Clients we have advised for in recent years include the BA pension schemes, ASDA Group pension scheme, IMI, Sappi and ITV pension scheme.
Pensions Director, Bulk Annuities Lead, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)7483 117060