PwC partners have elected Kevin Ellis to serve a second four year term as the Alliance Senior Partner for the UK and Middle East from 1 July 2020. Kevin will continue to be PwC UK’s Chairman and Senior Partner and a member of PwC’s Network Leadership Team.
Kevin Ellis has led the Alliance since 1 July 2016 and overseen significant transformation over that time.
Kevin Ellis commented: “I’m proud to have been elected by our partners to serve a second term as Alliance Senior Partner.
“Over the past four years the world our clients operate in and the challenges we help them solve have become more complex. We will continue to invest in quality, upskilling our people and technology as we respond to the fourth industrial revolution.
“Our sector is under great scrutiny and we remain committed to working with policy setters and stakeholders to ensure that we play our part in building trust and confidence as the UK recasts its position in the world.”
Notes to editor
About PwC UK/Middle East Alliance:
In 2009 PwC UK entered into a strategic alliance with PwC Middle East. Hani Ashkar remains the Territory Senior Partner for the Middle East.
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