PwC UK and Quantexa join hands to provide clients with stronger, faster, human-led, tech-powered solutions

  • Press Release
  • 25 Jan 2024

PwC UK, a leading professional services firm, and Quantexa, a leading data and analytics software company, are working together to transform how their clients use, understand and trust their data helping them make quicker and more informed decisions to protect, optimise, and grow.

PwC UK will be working with Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence (DI) platform to give its clients the ability to understand their data by connecting siloed systems and visualising complex relationships. The result is a single view of data that becomes their most trusted and reusable resource across the organisation. 

In addition, by having Quantexa’s DI platform installed across PwC UK infrastructure, the firm is able to bring together multiple sources of third party data on UK companies. This will allow PwC UK to provide insights to its clients on their customers, which can then support their own data analytics. PwC UK and Quantexa are already working together across a wide range of industries from consumer markets and financial services, to government and telco. 

PwC UK and Quantexa can connect information relating to real world entities, with a continuous stream of relevant and valuable insights presented in context. Ongoing challenges such as supply chain and procurement risk, financial crime, fraud, Know Your Customer (KYC), data management and customer intelligence can be resolved while capturing opportunities that would otherwise have been undiscovered.

Scott Samme, Financial Services Partner, PwC UK said: “I am very excited that PwC UK will be joining forces with Quantexa to help our clients move from strength to strength. Supporting our clients on their journey to become a data-driven organisations means embracing automated decision-making as an integral part of everyday operations. 

“PwC UK will be leveraging the latest technology and AI alongside Quantexa to give our clients a 360 degree view of the companies they are doing business with and how they are connected to them. This includes how to slow down or prevent fraud, enforce compliance, investigate criminal activities, dispense benefit funds, secure borders, identify fraudulent activities, assure compliance, accelerate revenue growth, enhance customer experience, and more. Comprehending these challenges is daunting and costly. By instituting a unified, integrated, and dynamic view of confirmed entities and networks, these challenges can be tackled with greater speed and accuracy, higher performance, and at scale.”


About Quantexa

When it comes to making the right decisions for your organization, more is possible with the right data, in the right context.

Quantexa’s Decision Intelligence Platform gives customers the ability to understand their data by connecting siloed systems and visualizing complex relationships. The result is a single view of data that becomes their most trusted and reusable resource across the organization.

Quantexa helps customers establish a culture of confident decision making at strategic, operational, and tactical levels to mitigate risk and seize opportunities on their path to building efficient and resilient organizations.

About PwC

At PwC, our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems. We’re a network of firms in 151 countries with over 364,000 people who are committed to delivering quality in assurance, advisory and tax services. Find out more and tell us what matters to you by visiting us at PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for further details.

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