Business-to-business (B2B) research

The need for better insight to support strategic decisions

Most global CEOs recognise the benefits of using research and analytics to provide more confident decision making. 94% of global CEOs believe that organisations should do more to measure the impact of their business activities. However, less than 25% believe that research outputs currently provide real value.

PwC Research has a wealth of experience working with clients globally to provide evidence and insight to drive strategic change, support decision-making, mitigate risk, and enhance performance.

Our bespoke B2B research offering

We use a variety of traditional and digital methods in B2B research. For quantitative B2B, this includes in-house online and telephone survey capabilities. In addition to large scale business surveys and interview programmes, we offer WebEx interviews, business surgeries, business depths, C-suite executive depths, co-creation B2B events and ‘meet the client’ events. We can use these techniques either in isolation or as part of a programme of research to help in many different scenarios including:

  • Segmentation
  • Customer experience
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Product and proposition testing
  • Communications development
  • Acquisition and retention
  • Competitor benchmarking and monitoring
  • Market assessment
  • Regulatory response
  • Strategy tracking
  • Thought leadership

Case study

Annual CEO Survey

PwC’s Annual Global CEO Survey is a truly distinctive programme of thought leadership which examines how CEOs across the world respond to prolonged disruption in the market. We track CEOs’ views on the global economic outlook and the challenges they face in building a business ready for the future. We speak to 1,378 CEOs in more than 90 territories, using four methodologies.

PwC’s 22nd CEO Survey 

We also produce 14 CEO Survey industry reports to provide real insight at the sectoral level: including healthcare, pharma and life sciences, banking and capital markets, insurance, entertainment, media, and real estate.

Business of Evidence Report

Commissioned by the Market Research Society (MRS), PwC Research conducted an assessment of the size and impact of the UK research and evidence market in 2016. Consisting of three main stages - desk based research, an online survey and one-to-one depth interviews - you can read our findings here.

We recently conducted a similar study into the UK’s marketing industry.

In 2019, we will be doing a new study looking at the value of research and insight for businesses in the UK.

Contact us

Alison Blair

Alison Blair

Director - PwC Research, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7711 589018

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