Why do so many businesses struggle with defining their digital transformation? And what role can cloud play in your transformation's success?
The inevitability of cloud. Over the past few years, the role and importance of cloud has expanded rapidly. It is now a key driver of innovation and growth, transforming how people live and work. Leaders and organisations must equip themselves for a cloud future and embrace it as a way to not only reduce costs but achieve customer-centricity and deliver real results.
Through a series of events and articles, PwC and AWS are digging deeper into cloud technologies to reveal how organisations can accelerate growth, foster innovation and realise substantial value from their cloud investments.
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Warren Tucker, Partner, UK Cloud & Digital Lead, PwC and Phil Le-Brun, AWS Enterprise Strategist, consider the importance of cloud for businesses today. They discuss a wide range of issues, including cloud as a catalyst for innovation, a source of new growth, improved cost efficiencies and more.
Our first event Re:inventing businesses with cloud was held at Amazon HQ on 31 March 2022. Attended by a wide range of industry leaders and featuring sessions from Formula 1, Shell and IDC, the event focused on:
How cloud is transforming industries, businesses are reinventing themselves with cloud and the benefits of cloud for organisational transformation.
How cloud can facilitate company journey towards Net Zero.
How cloud can help your company put the customer at the heart of your strategy.
An interactive discussion digging into what this mythical “digital transformation” is, what prevents progress and what do businesses need to do to succeed?
From innovative strategy to rapid real-world results and more, we bring you the technology that makes the difference.
This article jointly written with Neil Harris, Sustainability Strategy & Innovation lead at Amazon Web Services explores the importance of cloud transformation...
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