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….cloud enables us to really liberate the talent we have in organisations. This idea of investing in talent, allowing people the ability to experiment, working backwards from what the customer actually wants, rather than something you think they want, being able to run those experiments rapidly. Finding out with your customers, what works, what doesn't work, the things that work, scale them quickly. The things that don't work shut them down cost effectively, but there's so much untapped potential in organisations, the ability to give them the skills they need, the mastery and the purpose to really deliver outstanding results is to me very exciting.
I think we're also seeing cloud move way beyond the remit of IT. In the past, perhaps it would have been something which would be in the back office. But now it's driving and catalysing innovation, it's triggering new products, new services, new ideas, new business models.
It really is a time for organisations to embrace the cloud not just as a function of IT, but as a source of new growth and a powerful ally in that ambition to innovate and empower employees to get after that growth.
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