Video transcript: PwC and Salesforce

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Right technology. Real results.

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PwC and Salesforce

Fuel growth through unrivalled customer experience.

Introducing responsible growth for your fully connected customer.

Combining award-winning Salesforce Customer 360 solutions. Industry specific expertise. Outcome focused perspectives.

And a proven history to,

Get it [Sales - Service - Marketing - Commerce - Analytics - Integration - Platform - Industries - Learning - Employees - Partners - Success - Einstein] right.

Get it right the first time, because we’ve seen and solved for these complex problems before.

Enabled by Salesforce powered by business perspective and geared for innovative experiences.

We help bring your customers closer with every click.

Get ready to transform your strategy - operations - customer experiences and grow responsibly.

Right technology. Real results.

Contact us

Quinton Pienaar

Quinton Pienaar

Partner, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 386449

Lucy Brown

Lucy Brown

Salesforce Alliance Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7483 337266

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