Agreements to transition the last of 278 contracts provided by the Carillion group to new service providers are now in place, signaling the end of the trading phase of the liquidation.
A link to the Official Reciever’s statement is below
The Official Receiver announces that Carillion (Qatar) LLC a limited liability company has entered into liquidation in Qatar. This company was responsible for the Msheireb Phase 1B property development with Msheireb Properties a development subsidiary of the Qatar Foundation. Ahmed Tawfik Nassim is handling the liquidation. This liquidation is being managed completely and separately from the main liquidation proceedings and as such the Official Receiver is not responsible for the conduct of this liquidation process.
Prior to liquidation Carillion Qatar was pursuing significant commercial claims for circa £250m (progress certified invoices, progress uncertified invoices, scope change, variations, change cost, time extension costs and claims) against Msheireb Properties and the liquidator in Qatar will now be responsible for pursuing this claim and using the proceeds to settle the creditor claims in the company which relate to subcontractors and suppliers who were involved on this project.
Please click here to view the Tax Strategy as per Schedule 19 (No.2) of Finance Act 2016
The Official Receiver and Special Managers have completed the sale of the CAS Newcastle business to global law firm Clifford Chance. The sale will see the CAS Newcastle team become fully integrated with Clifford Chance and approximately 60 CAS employees in Newcastle transfer their employment with the sale.
CAS was originally developed as part of Carillion's in house legal team and has extended its services to support other law firms and in-house legal teams. CAS specialises in large projects for clients including document review, due diligence, e-disclosure and litigation support.
The Official Receiver and Special Managers completed the sale of Carillion’s UK power framework business to J Murphy & Sons (JMS), a UK based infrastructure specialist on 7 February. Under the agreement JMS takes on Carillion framework contracts with National Grid in respect of electricity overhead lines, substations and underground cables. The transaction sees the transfer of 14 Carillion staff to JMS.
JMS also replaces Carillion as the joint venture partner with Eltel in supporting National Grid to deliver planned replacement and refurbishment schemes across England and Wales.
A link to JMS' press statement is below
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