At the date of appointment, the Companies ceased to trade, therefore it will not be possible to honour any unfulfilled orders made prior to the administration.
If you are a P&H Wholesale customer we will not be taking on any new orders and you will need to arrange an alternative source of supply going forward.
If you are a P&H Direct Vans customer, the business has been closed whilst sale options are explored and there will be no deliveries made until further notice.
As noted on the front page of this website, WS Retail entered administration on 15 December 2017.
As necessary, we will be in touch in due course to collect any outstanding balances still owed to the companies in Administration. However, it is important to stress that your payment in respect of invoices due to any of the companies in Administration should continue to be paid, on time, to the same bank account as such payments were made prior to the administrators' appointment. You do not need to make payments to any new or different bank account.
If you are contacted by any third parties (ie parties other than the administrators or their authorised representatives) requesting you to make any payment to them or that you return any goods directly to them, you should in no circumstances make payment to any third party or make any arrangements with such third parties in relation to any goods which you have not yet sold. Should you be contacted by any third parties in this regard, please notify the administrators immediately.
Please note that in the event that you do make any payment to a third party in respect of an invoice issued by any of the companies in Administration, or if you make arrangements with any third party in respect of goods not yet sold by you, your liability to the relevant company in Administration will remain fully outstanding and will not be discharged by such payment or arrangement. Only payment into the usual bank account will constitute good discharge of any invoices or debts due.
© 2015 - 2025 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see how we are structured for further details.