If you are a member of the Palmer & Harvey Pension Scheme which is part of the Legal & General WorkSave Mastertrust (RAS), you can obtain information about your pension fund via the scheme’s website at www.legalandgeneral.com/workplacebenefits/microsites/palmer-and-harvey/.
Legal & General can also be contacted by telephone on 0345 070 8686.
If you are a member of the Hargreaves Lansdown SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension) you can obtain information about your pension fund from Hargreaves Lansdown by emailing invest@hl.co.uk or telephoning 0117 314 1796.
Companies in the P&H group operated a defined benefit (DB) pension scheme, for which active membership ceased in 2013. This pension scheme is separate from the companies. Following the administration appointments the Trustees of the DB scheme expect the scheme to enter an assessment period for the Pension Protection Fund (PPF). The PPF exists to protect the benefits of pension scheme members where there is an insolvency.
The Trustees of the DB pension scheme will write to members of the scheme very shortly to provide information about the PPF and the assessment period. In the meantime the scheme administrators, Barnett Waddingham, whose contact details are provided below are available to answer any queries.
Staff Superannuation Fund of Palmer & Harvey McLane (Holdings) Limited and its adhered subsidiaries
Barnett Waddingham LLP
Cheapside House
138 Cheapside
Telephone number: 0333 1111 222
Email: P&H@Barnett-Waddingham.co.uk
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