We have paid the ‘preferential’ element of former Phones 4u employees’ claims in full. Unclaimed preferential dividends have been passed to the Insolvency Service.
Any former employees who did not cash their preferential dividend cheques should therefore contact the Insolvency Service using the contact form on their website: https://www.insolvencydirect.bis.gov.uk/ExternalOnlineForms/GeneralEnquiry.aspx
The balance of any amounts owed to former employees ranked as unsecured claims which were dealt with separately. Further details can be found on the ‘Creditors and Suppliers’ tab on the main page.
Former employees are also advised that, in our proposals, we referred to an Employment Appeal Tribunal ruling that (in certain circumstances) employees who worked overtime can make backdated claims (for a limited period) in relation to additional holiday pay. We stated that this ruling could have been referred to the Court of Appeal, in which case a final decision may not be known for several years.
As this was a live issue at the time of our proposals, we felt it appropriate to mention it. The profession has not had the benefit of a Supreme Court ruling on the original matter. However, there is a standard approach for this matter in line with that taken by the RPS. In this particular case, due to the passage of time, we consider there will be no implications for this case and no residual preferential claims.
Notice to all employees: 18 January 2017
Employee Notice: Protective Award Decision
Employment Tribunals
Claimants: Various
Respondents: Phones 4U Limited - in administration
Please note that the Protective Award is automatically notified to the Redundancy Payments Office for payment by the Secretary of State for Employment.
Employees affected by the decision of the Employment Tribunal need take no further action.
Any amount due from the protective award is payable by the Secretary of State directly to the employee, subject to deductions of any tax or social security contributions.
Any residual amount owing after you have received funds from the RPS will be an unsecured claim. You do not need to take any action to submit a residual claim.
Should you have any further queries please contact the Redundancy Payments Office, Telephone Number 0330 331 0020.
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