Julian Guy Parr, one of the administrators of LBIE, intends to resign as an administrator of LBIE as soon as reasonably practicable by serving a notice of intention to resign pursuant to Rule 3.63 of the Insolvency (England and Wales) Rules 2016 and by applying to the court for permission to resign as an administrator. There is no intention to appoint a replacement administrator. Russell Downs, Ed Macnamara and Gillian Bruce will remain in office as Joint Administrators.
The application for permission to resign will be accompanied by an application for an Order pursuant to paragraph 98(2)(c) of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (the “Act”) that Mr Parr be discharged from liability under paragraph 98(1)) of Schedule B1 to the Act (subject to the limitations provided for in paragraph 98(4) of Schedule B1 to the Act) in respect of any action (or inaction) of his as administrator of LBIE.
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