You should have received a written communication informing you that regrettably you will not be receiving your outstanding Laura Ashley order:
Since the time of your purchase, the Laura Ashley Limited business has gone into Administration (this occurred on 23 March 2020).
We have been trying hard to fulfill outstanding customer orders in this period, working with both suppliers and the merchant providers. Unfortunately, we have not been able to reach an agreement with these parties to release certain items. As a result we are unable to complete all orders.
Can I receive a refund?
Due to the fact the business is in administration we are unable to offer refunds to customers who purchased their product(s) prior to the 23 March. Instead, you can submit a claim for the amount of your cancelled order to the administrators. In due course, unsecured creditors of Laura Ashley Limited - in Administration should receive a dividend payment.
How do I submit a claim?
Please email the Administrators at setting out your name, address and details of your situation. We will send a written communication explaining how you submit your claim via post.
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